On February 28th, 2022, H.E. Mrs. Rossana Briceno, Spouse of the Prime Minister of Belize, Special Envoy for the Development of Families and Children had a meeting with Secretary General of CARICOM Dr. Carla Barnett to discuss regional collaboration across the region for support of SCLAN, gender, families, and children.

On March 01, 2022, H.E. Mrs. Rossana Briceno, Spouse of the Prime Minister of Belize, Special Envoy for the Development of Families and Children took the podium at the 33rd Inter-Sessional Conference of the Heads of Government to advocate for deeper cooperation ad collaboration for issues in our region that impact families, women, and children and for a high-level support and recognition for the Spouses of the Caribbean Leaders Action Network (SCLAN).
