
Spouses of CARICOM Leaders Action Network (SCLAN) is the advocacy & action platform which aims to tackle issues related to the health and well-being of women, adolescents & children in the Caribbean.
Our vision is a Caribbean without HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis, cervical cancer, early pregnancy, human trafficking and violence where women and girls know their value and ability to reach their potential.

SCLAN’s mission is a Caribbean free from HIV, gender-based violence, teenage pregnancy and cervical cancer, with long term goals set forth by the global community including former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Every Woman, Every Child Global Initiative and the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016-2030).
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“The power you have is to be the best version of yourself you can be, so you can create a better world.”

— Ashley Rickards

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